Trump and Pence Lie and People Die.

John Ehrenfeld
2 min readMar 16, 2020


No article attached, just a rant because I am so god damn angry and just need an outlet. Trump and Pence are liars! They lie and lie and lie while heaping praise on each other for their incompetence and people are going to die because of it! They say there are Covid-19 tests for any American that wants one; that millions of kits have gone out. That testing is going smoothly and well. That is a god damn lie and they know it! Even Dr. Faucci said in a House hearing under oath about coronavirus test kits, “This is a failing. Let’s admit it.” They are criminals!

People WILL NOT GET approved for testing by the CDC if they haven’t traveled outside the country or come in contact with someone proven to have the coronavirus. THAT IS INSANE! There is a fourteen day incubation period. The virus is already here! Hospitals are also not ready for hundreds of thousands of severely ill patients. They don’t have the needed equipment, ventilators and even basic swabs and other disposables etc. Doctors are going to have to ration supplies and make life and death decisions who gets treated, a la ‘Sophies Choice.’ They are doing it in Italy right now. The elderly and chronically ill will not be treated!!! This is all because that asshole Trump and his administration ignored and minimized the seriousness of this for over a month for political reasons!

They are criminals, despots and if karma means anything at all they will suffer like those they abused are suffering.

