There Has Never Been as Corrupt a President or Administration as Trumps.

John Ehrenfeld
3 min readSep 2, 2018


Is Trump’s campaign promise to, “drain the swamp,” the biggest political lie in history? There has NEVER been as corrupt an administration as Trumps. He has CREATED A SWAMP the likes of which has not been seen before.

Of course the fish rots from the head. Trump faces credible accusations of sexual abuse, has refused to divest from his business, declined to release his tax returns and many other financial documents, encourages business people and foreigners to hold events at his clubs and hotels, perpetrated the fraud that was Trump University and made hush payments to Stormy Daniels and others to cover up affairs. One could also make the case that we have a president who is a Russian asset and who has no loyalty to the United States of America.

His sons Don Jr., and Eric benefit greatly from his presidency, daughter Ivanka got a sweetheart deal from China for her patents and merchandise. There is so much more and in addition, he has surrounded himself with the most unqualified and unethical cabinet and staff in American political history.

“American University history professor Allan Lichtman said, “There is no question that this is the most unqualified and inexperienced cabinet in the modern history of the presidency. Several of the cabinet officials not only lack the most basic qualifications for their jobs, but are intent upon undermining the fundamental mission of their departments.”

Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his lawyer, Michael Cohen are now convicted felons. National security adviser Michael Flynn, Manafort aide Rick Gates and foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos all pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Bill Shine, White House communications director was fired as president of Fox News for orchestrating a massive, cover-up of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Ex-White House staffer Rob Porter beat up a couple of his wives. Disgraced EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt broke or ignored virtually every ethics rule that regulates the conduct of government officials. Trump’s bodyguard was fired and is facing a Secret Service investigation for serious financial crimes. Corey Lewandowski Trump’s campaign manager, got fired for his violent behavior toward women. VA Secretary David Shulkin used taxpayer dollars to pay for his wife to go to Europe. Tom Price was forced out from his position as secretary of health and human services after a scandal about his charter jet travel abuses. Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee on his contacts with Russians. The family of Commerce Secretary billionaire Wilbur Ross profits directly from his decisions keeping stakes in companies owned by the Chinese government, a Russian shipping firm and a Cypriot bank Mueller is now investigating. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin tried to take an expensive military jet funded by the taxpayer on his honeymoon. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke billed taxpayers for a series of expensive trips, including one to deliver a pep talk to a donor’s hockey team and his wife and foundation are partnering with Montana business development group founded by David Lesar, chairman of energy group Halliburton. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson was accused of overspending on office furniture and the use of his office to promote his family’s business interests. Also fired for various offenses and poor job performance were Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, Omarosa, Priebus, Spicer, Scaramucci, Bossert and Tillerson.

This is the link to the most comprehensive and detailed compilation of Trump administration misconduct.

There is no doubt as to the depth of the corruption, criminality and wrongdoing of Trump, his family and administration. They will go down in history as a disgraced embarrassment to this nation.

