‘College Admissions Fraud and So Much More.’

John Ehrenfeld
1 min readMar 13, 2019


Yes, I am furious once again.

This college admissions fraud case is about so much more than the obvious mail fraud, tax fraud and bribery. It’s about a non-existent charity that promised to help disadvantaged youth. It’s about rich white people taking college positions from deserved minorities. It’s about paying for false psychiatric diagnoses of learning disabilities to gain additional testing time.

It’s about the disparity of wealth that permeates our society negatively impacting the middle class and poor disproportionately. It’s about the best universities being completely unaffordable and that they give preference to athletes, legacies and those who could afford college and test prep and coaching. It’s about capitalism and how those who fall through the cracks or are born into the wrong families are disadvantaged; often for life.

One of the biggest con job in the history of mankind is the concept of ‘American exceptionalism.’ This scandal is a microcosm of the United States and our historical reality of racism, privilege and the power of wealth. It’s both sad and infuriating at the same time and I am so damn tired of being angry.

