A Letter To Melania Trump

John Ehrenfeld
1 min readDec 13, 2019


You and the ‘Be Best’ campaign are a nauseating reminder of your immorality and hypocrisy as you continue to support and enable the bully you are married to. He had the temerity to attack a 16 year old young lady and environmental hero, Greta Thunberg, when she was named, “Time Person of the Year.” Greta Thunberg has Aspergers Syndrome and an Autism Spectrum diagnosis yet Trump saw fit to spew his habitually cruel and demeaning rhetoric and bully her, because his pathetically weak ego was threatened. So Melania, try focusing on the biggest bully of all, the one you live with and don’t foster your nonsensical ‘Be Best’ fraud on the American people anymore.

P.S. Greta Thunberg is a powerful, respected advocate for humanity and this planet; something your sadistic spouse will never be.

